MPCC Family & Friends,
hope this email finds you doing well and enjoying the fall weather. I
wanted to take a minute to write about a new sermon series that begins this
weekend. The series is called "Simply - Generously - Joyfully" from I
Timothy 6:17-19. In this series we'll be talking, once again, about what the
Bible says with regard to money. Talking about financial stewardship (money
management) is one of my favorite things to do for a couple of different
reasons: First, because the Bible has so much to say about money and second,
because money can be a dangerous thing when not understood and managed from a
biblical perspective. In fact Paul says that the pursuit of money can cause
people to "wander from the faith and pierce themselves with many
griefs" (I Timothy 6:10). That's why I believe talking about money
is one of the most important things we do each year.
very important part of this years teaching on money will be the challenge for
everyone in the church to bring the "whole tithe into the storehouse
(church)" on the final weekend of the series (November 16/17). We did this
last year as a part of our series "30 Days to a more Generous Life"
and it was a great blessing to everyone who participated as well as the church.
This will be a critical part of this years series because we are currently a
little over $40,000 behind our weekly budgeted need to cover our operating
needs as well as our debt retirement. At the beginning of October we were
operating in the black then the two weeks of Fall Break came. Those two
weeks affected three weekends of offering leaving us with our current deficit.
I'm confident that we will be able to make up this need but not apart from your
help. So, if you've been gone for one or more of the past three weekends then
make sure you "catch up" with regard to your giving and make plans
now to bring the "whole tithe into the storehouse" on November
got some exciting ministry opportunities coming in the last two months of the
year. Let's make sure that none of them are compromised by a lack of financial
resources. I'm very thankful for the many generous people here at Mount
Pleasant and I know we'll more than meet this current need.
Pastor Chris