MPCC family,
I want to remind you of a very special event coming up this Saturday, September 14th, at 7:30 in the Student Ministries Center. We will be having a "Meet the New Youth Pastor" reception as Matt Pineda, our new Senior High Youth Pastor, and his wife Shelby will be joining us for an informal meet and greet. This reception is open to anyone who would like to attend but I'm especially encouraging all our families with Senior High students to plan on being involved. After much prayer and an extensive search I genuinely believe God led me to the exact person we need to lead this ministry. We have everything we need to build a dynamic Senior High Student Ministry in place but we can't do it alone…Matt can't do it alone. We need your help and your support. So here's what I'm asking. Come to the meet and greet reception this Saturday night, encourage…ask your high school student(s) to come and get in on the ground floor of what God is about to do here at Mount Pleasant, be willing to use the influence you have with your kids and other kids to promote our student ministry.
live in a world where people's first question is often, "What's in it for
me?" The church should be different. In the church we should
ask, "What can I give" or "How can I help." This is
an opportunity to ask those questions. We need your support and we need
your kids participation to create a dynamic Senior High Student Ministry.
So I'm asking you for your help.
I look forward to seeing you this Saturday night,
Pastor Chris