This past weekend we had a tremendous Easter celebration here at Mount Pleasant. I want to thank everyone who worked so hard to make sure we were able to accommodate what turned out to be a record crowd of 4,398. We had five services—three live and two video simulcasts in the Student Ministries Center and still had to use overflow space in the YAC on Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:45. I’m told that everything went well in the Student Ministries Center and that while the venue itself was a little more casual, those attending were able to engage in and enjoy the worship experience.

I know that I am a little biased, and I apologize if this sounds too boastful, but I don’t think you could have gone anywhere and heard better music than what we had in our services from start to finish. It was powerful! Not just because of the quality, but because it so perfectly captured the heart of everything connected to the Easter story—both the passion of the crucifixion and the celebration of the resurrection. And on a purely personal note, I was so moved each time my daughter Tricia sang that I had to work hard to compose myself for the message. The words of that song and the video images of the crucifixion were very compelling. I hope the entire service blessed you as much as it did me.
Normally we would take Monday as a day to recover from a big Easter weekend but not this year as we “hit the ground running” in preparation for this week’s 125th Anniversary Celebration. On Friday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. our local TBN affiliate [WCLJ-TV42] will air a special Praise the Lord program focused on Mount Pleasant (We taped the program on Wednesday). Later that evening we will host a sold-out concert featuring Christian recording artists Philips, Craig, and Dean. I hope you won’t let anything keep you from being a part of this special weekend service where we honor the past, celebrate the present, and dream about the future of Mount Pleasant.
Finally, I’m very excited about the new sermon series that will begin April 25-26. A Searching Heart, a sermon series answering life’s toughest questions, will take us verse-by-verse through the Old Testament book of Habakkuk and give us a biblical foundation for dealing with difficult questions that often become stumbling blocks to our faith.
I’m very excited about the many good things God is doing in and through the ministry of Mount Pleasant Christian Church!
Jesus cares,
Pastor Chris