Monday, March 3, 2014

The Journey: Commit. Study. Grow. Be a Disciple!

Hey Mount Pleasant family,

 I want to encourage you to check out and sign up for the newest "Block" of Journey Bible Classes that will begin on Sunday, March 9th.  You can log onto our website at and click on the "online registration" link to see the different options.  When I shared my "State of the Church" message on January 4th/5th, I told you that the early church was a "learning" church.  That's a characteristic that needs to continue into every generation.  The main reason we built the new Adult Education Wing as a part of the God@Work expansion plan was to expand our ability to offer a variety of different Bible Classes.  Now we need your participation. Journey Bible Classes are an opportunity for you to grow deeper in your faith, not just by learning more about the Bible, but by learning how to apply the Bible to the reality of every day life whether it be in your marriage, your finances, conflict resolution, spiritual disciplines and the list goes on and on.  In addition, some of the Journey Bible Classes are ongoing studies that are geared to specific age groups.  For example, my son, Andrew, leads a weekly Bible Study for Young Adults that is leading to greater levels of fellowship and connection. 

 I want Mount Pleasant Christian Church to be known as a church committed to making disciples and one unmistakable mark of a disciple is a commitment to reading, studying and applying God's Word.  We do that each weekend as we gather together for corporate worship but everyone needs to pursue that goal on a deeper level.  2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,  so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."  (NIV)  Let me ask you a question: Are you throughly equipped for every good work?  If the answer to that question is "no" or even "I don't know" then you need a deeper level of commitment to studying God's Word.  That's what Journey Bible Classes are all about.  Take a look below at just some of the classes that we're offering:

Class for all ages.
Continued from Part One - The Pentateuch consists of the first five books of the bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Pentateuch is rich study of the God who loves us without limit.

Class is open for those in their first decade of marriage.
Do you have family tensions, trouble communicating with your spouse, arguments that never seem to go away? Conflict robs us of our time and energy, and destroys our Christian witness to the outside world. In this study, you will discover how to respond to conflict according to principles taught in God's Word.

The Legacy Journey- By Dave Ramsey:
Class for all ages.
In 7 powerful lessons you'll gain a deeper understanding of investments and basic estate planning, safeguarding your legacy, and the keys to generational wealth and true generosity, all within a biblical framework.

Book of Philippians:
Class for all ages.
What does it mean to live on earth as citizens of heaven? Paul's inspiring letter to the Philippian community teaches us what it means to be a mature Christian. Joy and contentment are the hallmarks of a Christ-follower and we are encouraged, strengthened and supported by our relationships within the church.

Class for all ages.
Continued from Part One - This study addresses the frequent doubts that skeptics and non-believers bring to religion. Using literature, philosophy, anthropology, pop culture and intellectual reasoning, this class addresses how belief in God is a sound and rational decision.

Class for singles of all ages.
Christians are frequently confronted with social and moral questions. How do we love those struggling with same-sex attraction (homosexuality) while honoring the Bible? Should Christians believe in evolution? This class will address topics with the attempt to apply Biblical principles to "hot potato" or controversial topics confronting society and the church.

Pastoral Epistles - Join this class every Sunday in room 101 at 9am as they continue their study of letters written by the apostle Paul.  This class is for people ages 19-29ish. No sign up is needed.

Women's Sunday Morning Workshops  - In this series of studies, you will learn how to lead a small group, give biblical talks, identify helpful study resources, and develop a plan for your prayer life. No sign up is needed.

Commit yourself to becoming a disciple of Christ and sign up for a class that will enrich your journey with Him.

Jesus cares,
Pastor Chris

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381 N. Bluff Rd. Greenwood IN, 46142